Transcrição de Vídeo
Proč? Jde všecko, co si chce.
No jednou jste se narodil.
Tak to je pravda, tak už musím takový zůstat. To je pravda.
A tati, kdo tam nejde? Vždyť přijde tvůj syn, co byš nás nachtětá?
Ten přijde zadlouho. Ten přijde až večer, teprve máš 11 hodin, prosím tě.
The guy was away doing some stuff and his girlfriend was at home trying to learn the guitar. She shouldn't have been left alone with the guy's father in the first place! The sleazy fuck approached her and said he had used to be in a band and he could help her bla bla. Well, these girls! The rock'n'roll spirit was strong in that one. A few right moves, and soon his son's very own girlfriend was riding his thick dripping dick. Turned on by the crazy situation they kept porking like animals until the guy came and... well, let's just say it wasn't his happiest day ever.